Small Business Construction Expo

Build Your Network. Grow Your Business.

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Bringing Small/Underrepresented Business (SUB) contractors together with public and government agencies, prime contractors, and specialty trades from across the state.

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Southern California SBCX

  • Date: August 23, 2024
  • Time: 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.
  • Location: Long Beach Convention Center 300 E. Ocean Blvd Long Beach, CA 90802

Why Attend?

For SUB Contractors

Get direct access to public and government agencies, prime contractors, and specialty trades from across the state! Don’t miss this rare opportunity to build your network and your competitive advantage as you learn their tips and resources for landing contracts and project forecasts for opportunities.

For Primes, Specialty Trades, & Local Agencies

Sponsor the event to invest in the future of the construction industry. Reserve an expo booth to connect with SUB contractors who are looking for opportunities to build and grow.

SBCX is where small business entrepreneurs should go if they want to save years of learning. They can come and leave with useful tools and a list of new key business relationships.

Giroux Glass, Inc.

Nataline A. Lomedico, CEO & President
Giroux Glass, Inc.

We had a great time [at SBCX], and made very promising connections with other firms and agencies. As someone who was just an attendee at last year’s event, I’m really pleased with our decision to host a booth this time around. This wasn’t an easy choice for ISI, since we haven’t done a booth in years, but I’m near-certain this week’s success means we’ll do it again (and again).

Antoine Megevand, P.E, Project Manager
ISI Inspection Services, Inc.

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