Top Picture: Nancy Campoverde, McCarthy Building Companies Northern Pacific Region Scheduling Manager. Bottom left photo: Campoverde sharing information about careers in construction at a recent Build California event. Bottom right photo: Campoverde with her family.
In January through September 2024, Build California reached over 40,100 students through job fairs, student presentations, and industry activations to educate students on career opportunities in construction. We would not have been able to achieve this without the help of our amazing Build California Ambassadors. Currently, we have 102 construction industry Ambassadors participating in the program.
Build California Ambassadors are industry professionals who are passionate about educating and supporting the next generation of California’s construction workforce. By sharing their own construction career journey, they help to inspire students and make it possible for Build California’s presence to reach across the state.
Nancy Campoverde, McCarthy Building Companies Northern Pacific Region Scheduling Manager, joined the Build California Ambassador team in May 2024. Her warmth and kindness set students at ease, and she’s always eager to talk to them about all the opportunities in construction. We caught up with Campoverde to ask her a few questions about her experience in the industry and as an Ambassador. Here’s what she had to say!
Build California: What is your unique construction story and how do you think it will help inspire students to join the industry?
Campoverde: I was born in New York but left with my mom and twin sister when I was 1 year old. My mom left for California to get a job, and we moved to Guatemala and were raised by my grandmother for 10 years. My first language was Spanish and when I came back to the U.S., I had to learn English, which was difficult at first. This was the first step to figuring out this new world that I had not been exposed to at all since, in Guatemala, life is very different. At that time, I did not know what I wanted to be, but one thing I knew for sure is I loved to learn new things and draw. I did not know what to do with that, but as I learned about history, I was fascinated with the pyramids of Egypt. As I started to look for a university to attend, I began to consider being an Architect, but as I learned more, I realized that I wanted to be part of the construction industry because that is what I was interested in. I was accepted at Cal Poly Pomona and by luck, found my construction management degree after searching the school catalog under engineering fields. I did not want to focus on one discipline, for example mechanical, electrical, or civil engineering, but I wanted to learn a little bit of everything.
I was not sure what I wanted to do with my degree but enjoyed my time and as I looked for an internship and company I wanted to work for, I was leaning towards a project engineer. I wanted to be in the action seeing what was being built and be part of the pre-construction process. It was interesting to see how the classes were male-dominated, but this was just another thing to learn about this field that I needed to prepare myself for, since the construction fields are just that, male-dominated.
As I started my career, I took every opportunity that was presented to me and in my opinion, this was what helped me get to where I am now. I quickly learned that if I tried new things and moved to the next opportunity I would grow and find the position I was meant to have. I found Scheduling!!! This was what I wanted to do and have been doing it for the past 13 years and I love it. I started in refinery work and now I am a Scheduling Manager at McCarthy Construction companies’ biggest project in their history.
Build California: Why are you passionate about supporting the next generation of construction workers?
Campoverde: I want to help the next generation because I feel that with so many distractions, they can use some guidance that will build their future. I also feel that many of us grow up with our parents wanting us to be doctors or engineers but there are many jobs within those titles that need visibility, and I want to help guide them to their ideal job.
Build California: What is your favorite part about being a Build California Ambassador?
Campoverde: I like to have a place where I can reach out and guide young adults and maybe force them into thinking about their future. Being part of the Build California Ambassador program gives me the chance to choose the times and days that I can attend events. It is very flexible and with two kids of my own, I appreciate this. I think my story is like many other Hispanic kids and immigrants that are first-generation, and I feel I can relate to them.
Build California: Why do you think others should become Ambassadors?
Campoverde: If you want to help the next generation of construction leaders and want to have a place where you can talk to other industry leaders and make an impact, this is the place to do it. It is an easy process, and the team is so flexible and understands that you do have a full-time job. They do their homework and get events lined up and you sign up to what works for your schedule.
I’ve been looking for something like this and I am very happy that I found it. Thanks to the team that helps with the events, they are wonderful!!!