Each month, Build California chooses a different skilled trade to highlight and showcase what it is like to work as a construction professional.
Both feedback and analytics tell as positive story as a result of the takeovers. With the help of young carpenters Thereza Peña and Chanel Waits, Build California’s Instagram gained a total of 69 followers, 17,282 impressions, and 48 story replies in just two days. Overall, the takeovers were a huge success, for both Build California and their Southwest Regional Carpenters Council partners.
Being able to change the narrative or misperception that young people have about this industry is important to me because I do believe that there many young people out there who are missing out on a really amazing career and probably don’t even know it yet.
Thereza Peña
Through social media, workforce development programs like Build California can reach and inform more people about what the 21st-century construction industry looks like. The Day in the Life takeovers help to enhance that by showcasing behind-the-scenes of the trades and the personal story of construction. They also increase excitement around the industry and change society’s perception about construction and trade careers.
After the takeover we did a Q&A with Thereza and asked her some questions around the importance of using social media to highlight our industry and personal stories.
Build California: Do you think it’s important for construction professionals like yourself to share their construction career journey with young people on social media? If so, why?
Thereza Peña: I feel that it is SUPER important for construction professionals to share our career journeys with young people on social media because it gives us the opportunity to show what our careers are really like. Often, Construction is misinterpreted as a negative career to pursue, but sharing our videos and personal experiences in this trade can shed a different light on the amazing benefits and lifestyle that Construction/Carpentry can provide.
Build California: What inspired you to participate in Build California’s Day in the life of a Carpenter Takeover?
Thereza Peña: Since I began my career as a Carpenter, I have done my best to share my journey as an early stage apprentice because it is a career that I am so proud of. When Build California reached out to me to participate in the ‘Day in the life of a Carpenter Takeover’, I was thrilled! Being able to share my experience on Build CA’s social platform was important to me because I knew that it can possibly reach a larger audience of people, especially Latina women, who might become inspired to become Carpenters as well. Seeing more bada** women in this trade is something I would love to see more in the near future.
Build California: Why do you think changing the narrative or misperception young people have about the construction industry are important topics to discuss?
Thereza Peña: Construction is a career with many benefits, both financial and personal. It has shifted my life positively in so many ways. Being able to change the narrative or misperception that young people have about this industry is important to me because I do believe that there many young people out there who are missing out on a really amazing career and probably don’t even know it yet.
When industry professionals like Thereza and Chanel share their stories, it helps the next generation of construction professionals see themselves in the industry and creates excitement about a career in construction. Chanel’s words of wisdom for the next generation, “This trade is difficult, but it also instills this incredible sense of self when you finally reach where you wanna go.”
Visit our Instagram Story Highlights and check out both takeovers!
Build California is always looking for industry partners and tradespeople who would like to get engaged with Build California and our “Day in the Life” Instagram takeovers each month. If you want to be featured, please reach out to Katie Dunn, Build California Coordinator at DunnK@agc-ca.org.