Frequently Asked Questions
The following frequently asked questions provides key details and guidelines for attendees to enhance their experience.

I previously registered but can no longer attend the event. Can I request a refund?
Please email refund requests to and refer to our refund policy for more information.
What is the schedule of events for the Installation & Awards Gala? When do I need to be there?
There will be a reception before the dinner on February 7, starting at 5:00 PM. When you arrive, you may check in with the registration desk (location to be announced). The Installation & Awards program will begin promptly at 6:00 PM.
What is the dress code/attire request for the Installation & Awards Gala?
The Installation & Awards Gala is a black-tie attire event. We request men wear tuxedos or suits and women wear gowns or formal cocktail attire.
Will all the sub-contractors and vendors who worked on our project receive an invitation to attend the Installation & Awards Gala?
Yes, AGC of California sends an electronic banquet invitation to all the sub-contractors and vendors who worked on projects that are finalists in the Constructor Awards. This is another reason it is so important to ensure the lists you provide us within your entry are complete and accurate.
Will everyone from my company/project be able to sit at the same table?
To ensure your desired group sits together, you will need to purchase a reserved table of 10. If your group is larger than 10 people, then you will be split over two or more tables. If someone from your group registers late (or shows up to the event without registering) we will not be able to guarantee last-minute seating requests. We encourage early registration for all finalist companies attending the event; it ensures your group will be able to sit together and/or in proximity to one another.
The sub-contractors who worked on our project are not AGC of California Member companies, can non-member companies attend the Installation & Awards Gala?
Yes, but they will be subject to the higher non-member ticket prices. Please email for questions.
How do I submit a special meal request/dietary restriction?
You will be able to submit this information as part of the online registration process, or you may also send special meal requests or questions to
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