Online Legal Forms Subscription
Save time on your legal projects with a subscription to AGC of California’s Legal Forms, a suite of 20 standard industry contract forms that contain language specific to projects within the state of California. All forms can be downloaded via Word document and can be tailored to your specific needs. A subscription ensures that your construction contracts always contain the latest language and legal requirements. This subscription is FREE for all AGC of California members, or $1,000 (plus tax) for non-members. Please click here to access our free legal form sampler so that you can see what the subscription contains prior to purchase.
To purchase a subscription, please click here. After the subscription has been purchased, you may access the forms in our Learning Management System (LMS); click here to access. Please note that you will need to create a free account within our LMS to access the forms if you don’t currently have one.
If you have any questions pertaining to the legal form subscription, please contact Mary Alyssa Rancier at or by calling 916.371.2422 ext. 5
Legal Hotline
As an AGC of California member, you are entitled to our Legal Hotline service. Our legal hotline gives you a FREE 15-minute consultation with a California construction attorney on a legal issue of your choosing. If you need assistance beyond the 15-minute consultation, the attorney will provide you with their rates. Please click here to complete our legal hotline request form. You can expect communication from an attorney within 48 hours of submitting the request.
If you have any questions, please contact Mary Alyssa Rancier at
Legal Advisory Committee (LAC)
Made up of an exceptional mix of legal firms, in-house counsel, and forensic accountants, the Legal Advisory Committee (LAC) works to understand the impact of new laws, regulations, and judicial decisions. We urge all member companies, particularly those with general counsel on staff, to join the LAC to network and address pertinent construction industry issues.
Attorney members can earn MCLE (legal continuing education) credit for participating in LAC committee meetings, certain seminars and the LAC Annual Legal Retreat. For more information, or to join, email Mary Alyssa Rancier at
- Chair – Brenda Radmacher (Akerman LLP)
- Vice-Chair – Jessica Bogo (Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP)
Project Labor Agreements (PLAs)
We believe that if a government agency is going to implement a mandated labor agreement, then contractors must be at the table to provide practical and real-world input on how construction projects are actually managed and executed. Lack of contractor input on such agreements can erode the benefits of the competitive bidding process, and cause resources to be spent on additional administrative requirements, rather than the actual construction of the project itself. Agencies and their projects directly benefit from the expertise provided by the contractors who manage day-to-day construction processes. PLAs affect both union and open shop contractors, and AGC strives to ensure that the interests of all industry stakeholders are addressed.
Log in to the Member Portal to download Project Labor Agreement (PLA) resources such as a template comment letter, matrix of identified PLAs, and more.