Project Foremen and Superintendent Boot Camp
This program teaches many of the most important concepts and skills required to launch field level foremen, supervisors, and lead persons to new levels of effectiveness.

Project Foremen and Superintendents have some of the most difficult jobs in the construction industry. The more they know and understand about leadership, communication, planning, organization and cooperation, the more value they bring to the project team. This program teaches many of the most important concepts and skills required to launch field level Foremen, supervisors, and lead persons to new levels of effectiveness.
Key Components:
- Leading others
- Planning on purpose
- Getting things done
- Working with others
- Costs and productivity
- Communicating with others
- Scope and Change Orders
Learning Objectives & Outcomes:
- Prioritize and face daily challenges
- Understanding of key processes
- Discover the truth about respect and authority
- Engage in self-motivation and the motivation of others
- Learn tools to become more organized
Target Audience:
- Any field or job level Supervisor
- Superintendents who want to engage better with Foremen (field or job level Supervisors)
About the Instructors

Paul is the founder and Director of Education Development for Power Summit a national training company. His understanding of the construction process, vast experience and dynamic presentation skills enables him to write and present seminar material with authority and conviction. Paul Stout is a construction project manager, estimator, LEED Accredited Professional, facilitator and seminar instructor bringing more than twenty-three years of practical, hands-on construction experience to the arena. Since 1999, Paul has presented or facilitated more than 500 construction training seminars and workshops in 60 US cities spanning 22 states and internationally in Guam and Djibouti.