Respirator Fit Testing (Includes N95) TRAIN-THE-TRAINER
This virtual train-the-trainer (TTT) course is designed for workers responsible for the upkeep and implementation of their employer’s Respiratory Protection Safety Written Program and/or who are deemed competent by their employer to perform qualitative respirator fit testing (QLFT) for employees required to wear respirators at the workplace.

Many assume the objective of a fit test is face piece sizing. Although this is a very important element of fit testing, the primary reason to fit test an individual is to verify that he or she has been trained to wear a respirator and has, in fact, learned how to put on the face piece correctly. If a person does not know how to use the equipment, the respirator will be less effective, regardless of whether or not it is the right size.
This course covers N95 and all other tight-fitting respirators.
Agenda: Overview of applicable rules and regulations; Respiratory protection safety; Atmospheric hazards; Chemical safety; Respiratory protection written program requirements; Respirator types and selection; Proper use and care of respirators; How to properly don and wear the respirator; Fit assessment procedures and exercises; Medical evaluations; Forms and Checklists.
STUDENTS RECEIVE: Student Manual (PDF); Cloud Access to Important Instructor/Fit Tester Forms and Resources; 24/7 Online Access to Student Profile Page to view E-Training Record Card, and download Certificate.
QUALITATIVE FIT TEST KIT NOT INCLUDED: If you don’t own one, you can order one through our partner Aramsco Click here.
About the Instructors

ehsInc has been at the forefront of environmental and occupational health and safety since 1997. Our mission is to provide our customers, their employees with a safe, sustainable, and productive environment. We help our customers reduce costs and risks through better technology, seasoned staff, and tested processes.