Gas Monitor Awareness Training
Gas Monitor Competence Training is a need, not a want, because the gas detector - the one piece of equipment the worker's life depends on - is NOT COVERED in OSHA Confined Space Entry curriculum. OSHA courses alone leave workers unable to safely and confidently operate their gas detectors. This course is customized to your specific monitor and provides what you won't find in manuals or YouTube videos. This course bridges the gap between "compliant" and "safe," brings together the elements of a confined space refresher and the features of the gas monitors that are most useful to the workers, thereby complying more effectively with 1910.146(h)(2).

Gas monitor training OnDemand!
Gas Monitor Competence Training is a need, not a want, because the gas detector – the one piece of equipment the worker’s life depends on – is NOT COVERED in OSHA Confined Space Entry curriculum. OSHA courses alone leave workers unable to safely and confidently operate their gas detectors. This course is customized to your specific monitor and provides what you won’t find in manuals or YouTube videos. This course bridges the gap between “compliant” and “safe,” brings together the elements of a confined space refresher and the features of the gas monitors that are most useful to the workers, thereby complying more effectively with 1910.146(h)(2).
Click on the picture of your gas monitor to register for the competence training!
BW Ultra Gas Monitor
BW Ultra with VOC Gas Monitor
BW Micro5 Gas Monitor
BW Micro5 with VOC Gas Monitor
Gas Clip Technologies Multi Gas Series
MultiRAE and RAE Systems Gas Monitors
MultiRAE Series with VOC Gas Monitor
GfG G450/G460 Gas Monitor
RKI GX-2012 Gas Monitor
RKI GX-3R / GX-2009 Gas Monitor
Industrial Scientific Ventis Series
MSA Altair 5X with VOC Gas Monitor
MSA Altair5X / Altair 4 Gas Monitors
MaxXT II / MicroClip / Quattro Gas Monitors
These Courses Are OnDemand
These courses are hosted at Use your the email address you signed up for the course, to create your account!
It may take up to 45 minutes for your course to be ready and enrolled.
Contact if you have questions or require assistance.