Site Preparation, Fill Monitoring, & Testing
What takes place at the beginning of a project sets the stage for all future constructability and longevity. In this 2-hour lesson, we start at the beginning where the on-site soil material is evaluated. Here, we start with the International Building Code and what it says about foundation construction and dealing with expansive material and slope design.

What takes place at the beginning of a project sets the stage for all future constructability and longevity. In this 2-hour lesson, we start at the beginning where the on-site soil material is evaluated. Here, we start with the International Building Code and what it says about foundation construction and dealing with expansive material and slope design. We continue to look at the foundation using ICC’s other publication dedicated to soil mechanics – Soils, Earthwork, and Foundations. In it, we discuss cut and fill, preparing the site, shallow foundations, and more.
Recommended Study References
In order to master these concepts, we recommend following along in these references while studying with this lesson. Please note that the references are not included with purchase.
International Building Code (2018 or 2021)
Soils, Earthwork, and Foundations (based on the 2015 IBC)
Find all of SI Certs soils training below:
Introduction to Soils in Construction
Lab Testing The Sieve Analysis Atterberg Limits
Lab Testing – Proctor Corrections, Moisture Content & Sand Cone
Density of Soils/The Nuclear Gauge Part 1
Density of Soils/The Nuclear Gauge Part 2
Site Preparation, Fill Monitoring, & Testing
Soils In Construction Training Package